Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter With Family

Brandon's family was being stinkers about me taking pictures on Easter Sunday, so I mainly have pictures of the girls egg hunt, oh well. The family came over to our house for dinner. The girls had an egg hunt out front while basically everyone but me watched from inside because it was a bit on the chilly side. It was great spending time together and being close to people we love on such a special day. I am so grateful for my Savior. I am so thankful for my little girls knowledge of him, and of his sacrifice for them.

Dying Eggs

It never ceases to amaze me the joy the girls can get from a simple activity like dying eggs!

Egg Huntin

We hadn't gone to this egg hunt in a couple of years, but had gone when Teagan and Taylee were young so we decided it was time to get Adalynn out to it this year. Brrrrr! The wind was blowing, the sun was behind the clouds so it was cold hence the runny noses in almost every picture! Adalynn wasn't sure what to think of the whole thing, once she was done with the "hunt" she was pretty content to just sit and open and eat her eggs though.

Easter Morning

Getting ready for church Easter morning. The girls look forward to their new spring dresses, shoes, and tights every year. We didn't have church till 1:00 so there was plenty of time to look through baskets, get ready for church, and talk about our reason for the holiday.