Monday, January 17, 2011

Goodbye Pink and Green!

Goodbye pink and green, you will not be missed! I've wanted to do this since before she was born. Everytime I get the money it goes to something else. I had consigned some of the girls clothes and planned to use the money to paint Adalynns room for her birthday. Sure enough we are shorter on money than ever. But you know what? I decided to go ahead and do it anyway! Yeah I hate that pastel pink especially on the ceiling of all places. The new color is going to be white trim (and ceiling) and blue. I've gone over paint colors for months and months so hopefully I get it right this time. I was lucky enough to find a new yellow Pottery Barn crib skirt and sheet at the consignment store for $1.99! And I ordered some fabric that will be in this week to make her a blanket and little pillowcase. If I have time I plan on making a little teddy for her too. Eventually I have all kinds of fun projects to add fun colors! Hard to believe my little sweetheart is almost one.

Little Ones

For some reason seeing this made me stop and pause for a few minutes today. And actually made me a bit teary eyed. I love the blessings my sweet little girls bring into my life. Life is really stressfull right now trying to figure out a new carreer for Brandon. Figuring out what he should go back to school for, how much he is going to be able to work and go to school, what I am going to need to do to support him. The idea if I might actually be the one who goes back to school. In all this stress the comfort these sweet little girls laughter and love bring is just simply amazing to me.


I got a new crepe pan for Christmas. We had fun trying it out the other night for dinner. Teagan had like three of these with bananas, jam, and whip cream. My favorite was the ham, cheese, and egg.

Will You Be Mine?

I just love holidays, they put a lot of fun into life especially when you have kids. The house seemed a bit bare after all the Christmas decor was taken down so I had fun with this...

Monday, January 10, 2011


After my fine adventure watching the boys this past week without them has been somewhat sublime. Even with the stress of the financial loss that we needed to survive underneath the worry I know it will be OK. And through my new "freedom" wether it be short term or long I have found a new appreciation for my own children. They really can be a handful. They are stubborn and frustrating as all heck at times! They are also sweet and innocent. Loving and caring. Humorous and even insightful. I love my girls with all my heart. (And my big guy too!).


Sunday we were able to share a special day with Brandon sisters family. Hayden received the Aaronic Priesthood and Taylor who is currently working on getting his mission papers turned in received his Melchizedek Priesthood. We went to their house afterwards for a birthday lunch for Hayden. Dave is starting school so he had Larry give him a fathers blessing. The girls after seeing all these blessings wanted one too. So there were a lot of blessings that day!

Chapter Closed

I'm done watching the boys. Their dad lost his job. Unfortunately it ended on a bad note with their parents lying to us and not paying me for my last week of work. I had a feeling all the while I watched them that when I was done watching them I most likely wouldn't get paid for my last work. I just didn't see the lies that she had been telling us for weeks. It is really unfortunate because I had a lot invested into them and had prayed and worked hard to love and serve them. I hope they will be taken care of and their parents will get their acts together someday for their sakes...


Taylee is in primary! She is a little sunbeam. It seams like when Teagan went in I felt more ready for her to be in there. It was a little sad to me to have Tay Tay move up into primary. They grow all to fast....

Welcome 2011!

Our friends the Butts invited us over for a New Years Party. They have two girls one a bit older than Adalynn and One a bit younger than Taylee. We haven't been able to get out socializing for some time because we have been so busy so it was super nice! We actually stayed till about 10:00. The babies were so tired they couldn't keep their tops up. I'm happy for a new year. Its a good time to pause and reflect and make new resolutions. Its also a good time for new hopes!

Welcome 2011!