Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Working with the boys I'm not able to do the fun things I normally would with the girls during Teagan's Christmas break. And its actually made me a bit frustrated. We still do have late afternoons and evenings so I want to make sure we are still able to do some fun stuff for Teagan's winter break. Bowling was our first venture this week. I don't think Brandon and I have been since we dated. And it was both girls first time. They had a blast. Taylee didn't quiet have enough umph behind her rolling so the ball barely made it to the end of the lane on her turns. Teagan thought she had to be like the older kids in the other lanes and run up with the ball before she rolled it. Adalynn put her hand up for a high five every time someone was done with their turn. It was a fun venture!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dog Pics

Brandon and his dad went back up to Winnett to pick up the camping trailer they had left there Thanksgiving weekend. He really enjoys his dogs. I wish he had more time to get them out. Lately he has been enjoying taking pictures of them more than the hunting aspect.

Christmas Sunday

I loved Christmas being on Saturday this year. It gave us two Sundays that were fully dedicated to Christmas programs. Our ward had a "song testimony meeting". If you wanted you could get up and bear your testimony and share a your favorite Christmas hymn or song and the congregation would there after sing it. I thought that was a neat idea. The Sunday before Christmas they had a lovely program by the choir.


These two really have a hard time getting along the majority of the time, although they really can have a good time together. They get along the best when they are doing something silly or mischievous.


Larry wanted us each to share a Christmas memory with the family. A Christmas that stuck out more than others, a neat gift we received......When I thought about it my memories were more so just the way I felt and just the idea of our family was always together. I don't think family memories need to be something embellished or extravagant. Its just the simple idea of being with who matters the most. I miss mom so much during the holidays. Its tough without her. However I am so thankful for the family I have here on earth. I'm thankful for the visits we have together and the time we get to share. I'm also thankful for the memories I have of Mom, and the sacrifices she made for us. Really once the day is over that's what you have left is memories and they are what you make of them.

First Annual Moss Christmas Talent Show

Taylee Danced
Teagan Sang

Tanner balanced a racket on his two fingers

Hayden played his trumpet

Too much fun! We held our first annual Moss Christmas Talent show. Juggling, yo yo tricks, poems, singing, dancing, and lots of smiles! Definitely the first of many to come!

No Words For This One

First Christmas

Oh she was definitely on the nice list. Sweet sweet sweet little Ada. Babies first Christmas's are always a joy. I'm so thankful for this little bundle of joy. She adds so much to our family.

Christmas Morning

Teagan was first up. She came into our room first. She didn't want to go into the living room because it was still dark. After a bit she got a flashlight and went to peek to see if Santa had come. It was so stinkin cute, you could hear her shrill of excitment followed by the drop of the flashlight, running little footsteps back down the hall.."HE CAME!!". Such fun to see the magic in childrens eyes. The night before we had a secret Santa drop of a HUGE amount of gifts in our driveway. We have never had that amount of new toys in our home. It was just amazing. They even bought Brandon a new suit, a very nice one! The girls were extatic about all their new treasures. I really felt loved and looked after. Whoever brought us the gifts spent a lot of money, and time on us.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve I didn't have to watch the boys and Teagan and Brandon were home as well. We got to spend the day as a family. Teagan and I went and ran some last minute errands, and dropped off some treats to friends while the other three napped in the afternoon. We took the girls to meet Grandma and Grandpa Moss in the evening. They took Teagan and Taylee with them to Zoo for their light show. They even got to see Santa fly over them while they were there! They brought the girls back home. We visited for a few and it was time for the girls to get to bed. They actually went to bed very well. However Taylee decided at 2AM it was time to get up! Poor thing couldn't get back to sleep till after 4:30.
We were shown so much love and support from our ward family this year. Its nice to feel a part of what you put so much into. Before the girls got back from the zoo we heard our doorbell ring. By the time I got to the door all I saw were headlights. The accomplice had left a jar full of change on our doorstep. We were on the blessing end of somebodies Christmas Giving Jar. Wow! Not really sure how to express how it feels to be looked after by Heavenly Father through other people like this. Its hard because its tough being in the situation. But its so heart warming and calming when he uses his earthly angels to help calm our troubled hearts. I hope we can return the favor some day.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Candy Trains

The little boy that I watch Joel loves trains. So we made some candy trains for our Christmas Party today. The kids LOVED them! Super easy...although I don't think they will last very long to tempting to eat for those kiddos!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Teagan's Asthma

We had a scare last night with Teagan's asthma. She use to get it when she caught colds and other bronchial sicknesses when she was little. It hasn't bothered her for about two years so I thought it was gone maybe just an infant asthma. Unfortunately out of no where she had an attack last night. She hasn't had a cold or anything this week. She woke up coughing. By the time I got to her bedroom she was gasping for air, crying because it was scaring her because she couldn't breathe. Her breathing was super shallow and she was working hard to get air. I quickly searched for her old inhaler and gave her a few puffs. I had her sleep with me. Her breathing after that sounded almost like she had croup or something for a couple of hours. Finally she settled into a deep sleep and so did I! We got her out of school early to see her Dr. He gave her a new RX for a fast acting inhaler, and some steroids. When things like that happen it just makes you so thankful for your little sweethearts, makes you hold them near and dear...


Teagan and Taylee made ornamants to send to put on Grandma Bitton's grave last week before we all got sick. We send them to Grandpa every year and he places them there for us. We also made ornamants for Grandma and Grandpa Moss. We went over tonight and helped them drag their tree down from the attic. And the girls got to work helping them decorate it. Teagan wanted to do this for her day two of her challenge to do one thing nice for somebody every day this week. Jumping in the hot tub afterwards was a bonus!

Little Daisy

Teagan has been meeting with her troup for 6 weeks now, they meet every other week. Her leader is brand new to girl scouts and has a 16 month old that she brings along with her own daughter. We've done a lot of crafts so far which is fun for the girls. However I hope we get to broden our horizons in activities sometime. Teagan loves being a part of it.

Thank you for Teachers

We made a couple quick easy gifts for Teagans school teacher and the girls primary teachers. Teagan's primary presidency made each kid in the primary a scripture case with their name embroidered on it and the phrase I know the scriptures are true, I thought that was really neat. On sunday Teagans primary teacher challenged each one of them to do something good for somebody every day this week. Giving this to Mrs. Rodacker was day one.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Our good friends the Light family gave us our tree this year. It deffinetley wouldn't be my first pick of tree's. According to Brandon I am a bit picky when it comes to picking out trees, ok maybe more than a bit.... However after my two little sweethearts finished decorating it, I think it looks beautiful in its own special way.

Sweet Tooth

I know children love candy and sweets but this sassy little thing is absolutley obsessed with candy! I swear its the first thing on her mind in the morning and last thing at night!


Our primary president was her usual wonderful self and put together a beautiful nativity program with the primary children. It was fabulous! I got a bit teary eyed. Teagan was a darling little sheep. She said she thought it would really be neat to be an animal that was there to see baby Jesus.

Ho Ho Ho

Dear Santa: Taylee wants lipstick

Dear Santa: Teagan wants a pillow pet

Dear Santa: Adalynn wants peace on earth

Maybe Taylee is asking Santa for a box of tissues for Christmas???

The girls had fun visiting with Santa at the ward Christmas party.