Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hard Work

Teagan survived her first day of kindergarten. She got in the car and said she was very hungry because the hot lunch was really small. (I think she was probably to excited and didn't eat very much personally). So we got home and had an after school snack and talked about her day. Her favorite part was recess, imagine that. She liked the part of the playground that was like a mountain for her to climb up. She and Taylee went out on the swing set and just sat there and talked to each other for almost half an hour! Taylee said she missed Teagan. It will be an adjustment for our little life! When Brandon asked her if she was tired she replied "Well Yeah...I've been working all day don't you know!?".

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miss Independents First Day of School

Brandon saw this polish at the mall and just had to get it for Teagans first day of school.

Today was a very emotional day for our little family! Today August 25, 2010 was Teagans first day of Kindergarten. I felt emotional when we did the school supply shopping, I felt emotional when we did the school clothes shopping, I felt emotional when she would tear off a link counting down the days for the past two weeks. I felt especially blessed when I dropped her off this morning. She is such a beautiful little girl inside and out. She adds her special feel into our families life every day. Yesterday we went to an open house to drop off supplies, meet her Teacher Mrs. Rodacker, and see the school. She was so out of her character, very quiet and shy. Yet she was really wanting to be independent and do things on her own. Her favorite part of the open house was meeting Mrs. Rodacker. She thought she was very pretty and nice looking. I have been spending the day with Ady and Taylee, and I've missed her today! Its full day kindergarten so it will be some long days for my big girl for some time. I'm so proud of her and happy she gets to learn and grow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Threshing Bee

Check out this amazing tractor. It was run by burning wood.

Teagan did a great job on the pull. They gave them participant ribbons she thought that was fun.

Tractor train ride girls in car two and three.

Taylee had a harder time with the pull, it was a little heavy.

We went to the annual Threshing Bee in Huntley Saturday. If it wasn't over 100 degrees outside we would have been able to really enjoy it. There was all kinds of cool tractors, branding, tractor train ride, steamed corn on the cob, homemade ice cream, a kiddie tractor pull, a craft show, they were harvesting wheat and grinding it........all kinds of fun stuff to see.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fair Goers

I absolutely love going to the fair. The animals, the art, veggies, and flowers. The Food. The joy the kids have on the rides. Its something I look forward to every year.

Adalynn was just layed back. Taking everything in.

The girls had a couple of pieces of art we entered in the fair. Teagan had four pieces winning two blue, one red, and one white ribbon. Taylee had two pieces winning one blue and one honorable mention. It was fun seeing their pieces displayed. They were all hocked up on sugar and could care less at the time we were looking at them as you can see from the above picture.

My sweetie pie.

Ah yes fair food! Greasy fries one of my favorites!

Lemonade Girl

Upon Teagan's summer list of things she wanted to do was have a lemonade stand. We had a garage sale at Larry and Marcias house this past weekend. The weather was somewhat rotten. But not to horrible to have it for a few hours on Friday, and a few hours on Saturday. Teagan was so excited she woke up early Friday morning came running out with a smile on her face and said "I'm going to be a lemonade girl!". She was great at asking people if they wanted some, and thanking them. I heard her a couple of times saying "Thank you for coming to my business!". So sweet. Taylee was suppose to be in on it too, but it ended up being all Teagan so she got the earnings. Her two day total was somewhere around $17.00. Some people would just give her the money not wanting the lemonade, I thought that was kind. Others would make excuses they couldn't have any because they had diabetes etc. A simple no thank you was all she needed and she was off with a smile. Very fun experience for her.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Cousins

After shooting we found a swimsuit for Monica, had some lunch, and then hit the lake, it was a very hot day so we were all happy to cool off!
The girls really enjoyed Monica. She was really good with them. Very patient, and played anything they asked her to. I'm sure she is a blessing in Steve and Starla's home. I'm glad I was able to visit with her and get to know her again!

Kody's humor has to be a blessing in his home. This kid cracks me up! He is very light hearted. He was also so good with the girls. A couple quotes from Kody: "Adalynn is like a spit up volcano!" On the way to the beach, "Alright! We are going to party till we're purple!". Kody is absolutely fascinated with garbage trucks, so much that he was trying to see if he could come over and stay the night on our garbage day so he could see the truck. After his mission he would like to train Tigers and operate a garbage truck, how fun! What a special guy, I'm glad I was able to spend some time getting to know him again.

And Taylee finally cooled off her little honry temper as well!

Shootn With Monica and Kody

We were lucky enough to have Monica and Kody spend one night and a day with us. Brandon kept them up late watching a movie. We had a wonderful breakfast cooked on the griddle I got from Marcia for my birthday. Brandon really wanted to take them shooting, they had fun doing so! All except for Taylee who was just honry all day. Afterwards we got flowers and balloons and took them to Marcia's office and sang happy birthday to her.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Perfectly Imperfect

My Three Yahoots

My Little Sass

She is more than a handful. She keeps me busy all day every day. She is strong, stubborn, bull headed, honry, and full of a whole lot of love!

Ady Six Month Pics

So I had even worse luck with Ady's pictures. I think I'll take her and do it without the other two, it would be much easier when she wasn't upset because they had gotten in her face etc!

Five Year Pics

So I tried to get some five year pics for Teagan. She is at a stage where her eyes seem to close in about every picture I take so it was a hard time! She is so beautiful, and is getting so big!

Ady 6 Months

Oh she is sweet! Her smile opens up wide to almost anyone. She is so good at letting other people hold her. She loves to laugh at her silly sister Teagan. She's doing a great job eating her foods. She rolls around everywhere, there really isn't a moment she is still when she is awake. She goes almost everywhere with her momma still. She is very ticklish on her thighs. She is very stingy with her giggles, she will smile and squeal but holds back her giggles.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Overall we've had great luck with the garden. The girls just love working out there with me and most of all picking the food that is ready to eat. It is so fun watching things grow. And everything is so yummy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sour Puss

Adalynn thought her Bananas tasted sour. She was squinting and shivering every time she took a bite, but she wouldn't stop eating them! The girls were sitting there laughing hysterically at her.

Mo Mo

Morgan came to visit for a week. It was really nice having her here! Its always nice to get to know her on a closer level. The girls loved having her around. We went to the spray park, took her to mutual ice blocking, went to the drive in movies, went garage selling, went shopping, went to Bear Creek restaurant/pig races, and Lake Elmo. It was a fun week!