Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Like Sister

Taylee copies almost anything Teagan does now days. She thinks she is just as big as her. I don't know what it is but I think it is the sweetest thing when they lay on their bellies like this. The two have the hardest time getting along the majority of the time. Taylee is screaming because Teagan has taken a toy away or Teagan is crying because Taylee has a toy she wants etc etc......but even with all the squealing and screaming they still have a very sweet love for each other that I know will grow more and more through the years. And hopefully if not, at least all my lessons on sharing and caring will set in someday right?

1 comment:

  1. I showed Eliza your blog and told her Teagan was her age. Ever since then she always asks about that girl ("what's her name again, Mom?") that is her age. She always asks if she is still her age. She acts like they are long lost buddies. It is really cute.
