Friday, May 29, 2009

Mo Mo

Morgan is growing into such a beautiful young woman. We went over and spent the night with her on Thursday and Saturday. Thursday we went to see her new school and listened to her sing with her choir. Saturday she came up with Judie to decorate graves and then we followed them back to Spokane. Teagan had gotten sick so Judie stayed home with her while she rested and Morgan, Taylee and I did our ritual shopping trip to the mall. Poor Morgan had some pretty serious finals coming up and was really stressed out about doing well on them. It sounds like she is adjusting well in her new school and has made some good friends. Its always special to spend time with her and get to know her more personally.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how grown up Morgan is. She is a pretty girl. I love all of the pictures you got while you were there. The ones by you guys by the water are amazing. It makes me relaxed just looking at them.
