Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vegas Trip

Tessa has saved my sanity once again! She treated me to a weekend trip to Vegas. It was so fun, and so exhausting. We ate lots of super yummy food, my favorite was PF Changs and The Cheescake Factory. We window shopped, and shopped at a lot of fun stores. We also went to Legends in Concert and Mystere, Mystere was one of my favorite parts of the trip. We walked and walked sightseeing all the crazy things to see, water shows, beautiful inside gardens, crazy people, the pirate show at our hotel Treasure Island. Tessa visited Vegas a lot growing up with her Mom so she was a great tour guide and knew all the fun hot spots. It was hot, but it was almost as hot home in Billings so it wasn't to much of a shock. We hit the pool for a little more than an hour, and somehow I got the first sunburn I've had in years and years and years, turned into a tan though so that's ok! Tessa also brought her/our friend Deidre. It was great to spend time with each other and to get away to a different "world" for the weekend. I'm so thankful to have such a dear friend in my life, thank you Tessa!

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