Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Delivery

In the preop room they determined I was dilated to about a 4.5. Brandon hadn't eaten all day, they assured him he had plenty of time to go grab a burger. While he was gone the nurse and I gathered up my things and walked across the corridor, in that short walk I dilated to a 7.5. When I got laying on the bed the nurse put the monitor back on and immedietly called the Doctor to come in because the babies heartbeat was so low and not beating normally. Brandon had just gotten into the room at this point and was eating his burger in the corner with a "what the heck is going on?" expression. They threw an oxygen mask on me and began prepping me for whatever could happen as her heartbeat kept unstable. Luckily things were able to move real quickly. Once Dr. Johnson broke my water I was soon after dilated to a 9.5. When my water was broken they were able to see the meconiam and called in the special pediatric unit to be there to get her lungs etc taken care of as soon as she came out. So with a room full (Brandon said there was 18 staff total) and my super supportive husband our little angel was born at 7:45 les than two hours after ariving at the hospital. She was so very sweet and beautiful from the moment she came out. Weighing 8LB 9OZ, measuring 20 3/4 inches. A head full of dark hair, and beautiful bright eyes.

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky you got to the hospital when you did. What a chaotic experience! 18 people in the room coming and going, that's crazy! I can't believe how fast you dilated. 3 cms in a short walk! That's so fast. You are such a trooper! Never again is Brandon going to believe the nurse when she says that there is time before the baby comes.
