Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Teagan wants so badly to be the big sister, in good ways and bad! Most days it seems all that comes out of my mouth is "Teagan leave her alone", or "Teagan quit it your going to hurt her", or "Teagan please don't take that away from her", or "Darn it Teagan you hurt her" get the picture. She is in the middle of ANYTHING Taylee does. Sometimes she's just trying to help, others she's just not being very nice. The other morning in the bath tub, she decided to bite Taylee's finger, pretty hard, and it was simply to just bite her finger. Not trying to hurt her, not being mean........ay yi yi. In the midst of all this big sister bulliness I've been trying harder to acknowledge her good big sister moments. She really does love her little Tay Tay. I think that someday they are really going to be good friends. I'm glad they have each other. I love my own sisters so much, and don't know what I would do without them. Family is an amazing blessing.


  1. They are so cute and so big! I know that song and dance too well. My girls have the same love/hate relationship. It really is great they have each other. Those phrases cracked me up. We are too alike. I say the same things all day with my girls to protect Nathan.

  2. Teagan is such a good girl. She just can't wait for Taylee to get a little bigger. What fun they'll have!
