Thursday, March 26, 2009

Packing Potatoes

Brandon had called to give me a review of the phone call he had just finished with our realtor's. They had told him that it was a 98% chance that everything was going to go smooth, and we could basically start packing our bags, they even said they had boxes if we needed some. Packing our bags! I have waited some time to hear this, and it was music to my ears! So when I got off the phone with him I was a tad excited (understatement of the year) I squelched to Teagan, "Yeah pack our bags!". She replied to me "And our potatoes too?".
While I was on the phone she and Taylee were there playing in the kitchen. They had in a short time taken all the potatoes out of their bag and stashed them in a compartment in the step stool under the counter. And apparently these seemed like a pretty important item to bring with us to little Teagan.

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